Le plus gros truc que j’ai lu depuis un temps.
Futur. Changement. Condition humaine. Pessimisme vs Optimisme.
“We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings.
And once upon a time, human civilization made other, similar assumptions. That no economy could survive the abolition of slavery. That no society could survive the enfranchisement of women voters. That the human race would go extinct in the face of reproductive autonomy.
[ask yourself]is the Singularity really a bigger change than the invention of insulin? Or the birth control pill? Or the microprocessor itself? Or the end of slavery?
As Oppenheimer said: The optimist believes this to be the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears this to be true.
But to imagine any kind of optimistic future, you must first believe that you have a future, period. You must believe that progress is possible.[…] If you have been set back from the arc of progress, if you have been separated from it by redlining, by predatory lending, by a lack of education, by an early unwanted pregnancy, by abuse, by overt discrimination or unthinking prejudice, then imagination is a luxury you can’t afford.
Nobody likes talking about the fact that Harry Potter financed his heroic resistance with inherited wealth.[…] And for some of us, myself included, the ability that was with us all along, the in-born talent, the feather that allowed us to fly, was little more than circumstance. […] When you are set on what John Scalzi has referred to as “the lowest difficulty setting,” your narrative is less about conquering adversity and more about meeting expectations. To whom much is given, of much is expected.

À lire au complet ici: http://madelineashby.com/?p=1832